There are many ways that Afro-scot relief project promotes heritage and art.

  1. Organise events: Organise events such as exhibitions, art fairs, cultural festivals, and workshops to showcase African heritage and art.
  2. Collaborate with Local Artists: Collaborate with local artists to create new works of art inspired by African heritage, or to showcase their existing work.
  3. Use Social Media: Use social media platforms to promote heritage and art. Share pictures, videos, and stories about African heritage sites and artwork.
  4. Create Educational Materials: Develop educational materials such as pamphlets, brochures, and videos to educate people about African heritage and art.
  5. Support Conservation Efforts: Support conservation efforts for heritage sites and artwork.
  6. Engage the Community: Engage the community by involving them in African heritage and art-related activities, such as workshops, talks, and guided tours.
  7. Encourage Tourism: Encourage tourism to African heritage sites and art galleries by providing information about these sites and encouraging visitors to explore them.
  8. Showcase Diversity: Showcase the diversity of the African heritage and art by featuring works from different cultures and regions.
  9. Create Partnerships: Create partnerships with museums, galleries, and cultural organizations to promote African heritage and art.

The African spirit of Ubuntu is our heritage, it is essentially to be humane and ensure that human dignity is always at the core of our actions, thoughts and deeds when interacting with others. Ubuntu is showing care and concern for your neighbours through social justice, acceptance, sharing, humanness, joy, love, conciliation, respect, communality, dignity and these are the many Values we hold high at Afro-Scot Relief Project- showing love and Compassion is our Charity’s motto.

Recent Events - Arts & Heritage

“Heartfelt gratitude to SCVO for providing us with a remarkable platform at the Scottish Parliament. At the reception, AfroScot Relief Project had the opportunity to share insights about their impactful work, shed light on the challenges they are currently facing, and discussed the profound impact their efforts have had on the community. This event served as a platform to raise awareness about the essential contributions of organizations like AfroScot Relief Project and to advocate for greater support for their impactful work”.

See Pictures from family beach gathering

We take this opportunity to thank our sponsors Arnold Clark and Glasgow City Council. We also thank the North Ayrshire Council for giving us the facilities and a space, that led to the success of the event. We shared our love for Afro-beats music and a variety of traditional cooking methods, and food tasting.